37th General Meeting 2009

From 4th to 10th of May 2009, 37th EYCE General Meeting took place in Ķekava, Latvia. It gathered EYCE member Organisations’ delagates and guests from EYCE’s partner organisations – WCC and WSCF Europe.
Due to recent changes in Council’s life the GM was held significantly earlier than it is according to ususal practice. Nevertheless the GM was successful and brought new ideas and commitments.

The delegates of the Member Organisations reviewed the work of the Council in the past two years and worked to shape the future thematic work of the organisation. New policies and priorities of EYCE were identified: work on Council’s identity shaping, upholding and itensifying the work done within the framework of EYCE’s campaign to Overcome Fundamentalism as well as taking up a new theme for Councils work – thematic link to UN conference on Global Climate Change within young Christians perspective.

EYCE is grateful to the guests from partner organisations Natalie Maxson (WCC) and Jooa Vuorinen (WSCF-Europe) for finding it possible to attend EYCE’s General Meeting and the valuable input they brought.

During the General Meeting the new Executive Committee was elected. Two ExCo members were re-elected to continue their work for EYCE for another four years term alongside with five newly elected ExCo members. The Executive Committee of EYCE now consists of Foteini Maria Skyvalaki (Chairperson, Orthodox, Greece), Catharina Covolo (Vice-Chairperson, Lutheran, Germany), Pavlína Buzková (Treasurer, Czech Brethern Church, Czech Republic), Inka Marja Tuulikki Lindroos ( Lutheran, Finland), Adriana Florea (Lutheran, Romania), Erla Björk Jónsdóttir (Lutherran, Iceland) and Slavi Spasov (Orthodox, Bulgaria). EYCE wishes the best of success in their work!
In meantime EYCE wishes to thank Petra Schnabel and Petter Normann Dille for all the hard work undertaken for the Council and wishes them all of the best luck and blessings in their future life!

The General Meeting was hosted by EYCE’s Latvian Member organisation KRISTA.

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