Called to freedom, justice and peace! Galatians 5:13

Young people gather to promote volunteering!

From the 7th to the 10th of September, hundreds of young people from all over the world gathered in Brussels, Belgium, for the second Youth Convention on Volunteering, which included a stakeholder conference on volunteering and a big festival in- and outside the European Parliament. EYCE took part both in the conference and the following festival. The participants got the opportunity to present their organisation through stands and workshops. The Convention was organised by the European Youth Forum (YFJ) with the support of a team of volunteers from all over Europe and beyond.

Together with EYCE’s Belgian member organisation SPJ, EYCE contributed to the Convention with its stand and workshops about ecological justice. This contribution took place in the framework of EYCE’s current Campaign to Promote Ecological Justice. EYCE proposed a survey to visitors at the stand . They were asked to answer why they thought that ecological issues are a matter of justice, by putting a cork in a jar corresponding to their answer.

For EYCE, Convention was a good opportunity to promote its activities and in particular the current campaign on ecological justice. In addition, EYCE networked with many of its partners during the Convention and was able to define new projects in the field of European Youth Politics.

To raise the awareness of visitors on ecological issues, EYCE offered at its stand a photo exhibition, and distributed leaflets about the campaign. Visitors interested by the topic could sign in the mailing list to receive the newsletters and become part of the pool of interested people.

EYCE also provided visitors with awareness raising materials, such as fair trade Brazilian bracelets and organic and fair trade cotton t-shirts. Four workshops were also organised by the EYCE team during the two days of the Convention.

EYCE would like to take this opportunity and warmly thank the European Youth Forum and their volunteers for their great support in organising this Convention!

For more information on the Youth Convention on Volunteering or the work of EYCE, contact Kristine Jansone, EYCE General Secretary, on or +32 2 510 6171.
