About EYCE
As a Christian youth organisation, EYCE strives to represent young people in Europe as much as possible. EYCE works on an entirely ecumenical basis, and therefore considers itself to be part of the wider ecumenical movement. It wants to encourage Churches and Christian youth movements in Europe to strive towards the unity of all Christians.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee (ExCo) is a board of currently six volunteers, elected by the General Meeting for two years, who are responsible for the work of the Council and for the implementation of the mandates of the General Meeting.
The ExCo takes all political decisions needed for the daily work of EYCE, in accordance with the mandates of the General Meeting.
New Executive Committee has been elected during the 45th EYCE General Meeting, which took place in August 2023 in Poland. In Spring of 2024 Executive was co-opted with two new members.

The Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe (EYCE) has member organisations throughout Europe. Members include national ecumenical youth councils, denominational youth councils/bodies and those representing Church youth in Europe.
Irrespective of differences in their backgrounds, Members share a common task: ‘to initiate and further the common commitment of young people to Jesus Christ and His desire for reconciliation, justice and a lasting peace in Europe and the world’ (Constitution 2.1).
EYCE Office
EYCE has a possibility to have a hired General Secretary in the office. This position is currently not filled.
We aim to cooperate with other Europe-wide and international organisations, that foster our shared goals and