Join us for the SHAREWICH DAY!

sharewich-day_webHave you heard about Sharewich day? Not yet? Then it’s time to change it!
By something as simple as sharing a meal you can help make a real change in society!
Every year on the 16th and 17th of October the World Food Day and the International Day of Eradicating Poverty are observed. World Food Day was established by Food and Agriculture Organisation at its 20th General Conference in November 1945. It has since been observed every year in more than 150 countries, raising awareness of the issues behind poverty and hunger. The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty has been observed every year since 1993, when the United Nations General Assembly designated this day to promote awareness of the need to eradicate poverty and destitution in all countries.
This year, in the framework of the “Break the Chains!” campaign, EYCE wants to invite young people from all over Europe to prepare something special! One of the objectives of the campaign is to raise awareness about situation of poverty in Europe. We want to contribute to the World Food Day and the International Day of Eradicating Poverty together with friends of the campaign. This is about raising awareness on important issues whilst having fun together! We invite you to join us for these days in your city, country, community or youth group!
Here are some tips how you can join us:

  • Prepare sandwiches yourself, but not just for yourself. Make extra to share with someone!
  • On the 16th and 17th of October 2014 take sandwiches to school/ college/ workplace and share it with your colleague, person on the street, someone who is in need, just share!
  • Don’t eat alone!
  • Take a photo when sharing your sharewich! It would be great to see you sharing your sharewich with someone, but remember to ask permission first! If they say no we’d still love to see you with your sharewich!
  • Share the photo on Facebook so your friends can see what you’ve been up to! Don’t forget to tag the campaign page @Break the Chains // EYCE’s Campaign to Overcome Poverty! You can also tweet us your pictures! @Ecumenicalyouth
  • Don’t forget to use hashtag #sharewichday when sharing with us!

If you want to organise a bigger activity with your organisation, youth group or group of friends EYCE offers to support you financially on the following conditions:

  • you have spent an amount from 20 – 50 euros
  • you have spent it on food you shared with someone in need
  • you have spent it on materials you used to make the activity more visible
  • you have spent it on materials for workshop on poverty you organised in your context

To receive reimbursement we will need from you following:

  • duly completed and signed EYCE reimbursement form
  • ORIGINAL receipts and invoices
  • photos, videos and other materials of your activities

Please send the original reimbursement form and proofs of payment to the EYCE office, alongside with your bank account information. The photos and videos we would like to receive by e-mail :-)
For questions write to
Let us make a sandwich sharing day! Let us make a SHAREWICH DAY!
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