Called to freedom, justice and peace! Galatians 5:13

Call for Co-Option

Brussels, 30th September 2020

Call for Co-Option of Executive Committee Member Without Portfolio

Dear Members of the Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe,

Greetings from EYCE Executive Committee! We hope this letter finds you well.

As you may know, an incomplete ExCo was elected at the last GM. Technically, there should be seven members: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer, and four members without a portfolio. The treasurer spot was not elected, but filled internally with Julia Palosara (originally elected as a member without Portfolio). We are hoping that now there might be a seventh person to join our group. Julia has agreed to continue as treasurer, so we are looking to co-opt an ExCo member without a portfolio. 

We therefore ask our members to reflect on the people serving in their midst to see if someone might be able to join us for the year that remains. Please forward the call to such people as might want to commit to the EYCE for one year; and submit their names to us. 

We would love to get a chance to get to know someone as part of the NCs meeting, if that’s possible. It is currently the case that we are not as geographically balanced as we would like to be. While we are intending to decide on the person best suited for the task, we would prefer candidates who are from a different country than the members we have now. Our current ExCo members are from Finland, Norway, Germany, and Austria. 

The most important thing for our ExCo members is to be honest about the time commitment they can keep. We are all students and working and have total respect that some time periods aren’t great for volunteering, but we can figure it all out – so long as we talk about it. Currently, we are meeting every other week on Sunday night and assign other projects on a scheduling basis.

Should you or any prospective candidate have more questions, please feel free to contact us. Otherwise, we hope to receive your nominations by October 15, 2020. 


Anne Heikkinen  

Nora Antonsen   
