Call for Co-Option

Dear Members of the Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe,

Best greetings from EYCE Executive Committee! We hope this letter finds you well.
It is with regret that we are writing to you today to inform you about a resignation within the Executive Committee of EYCE. After some time of consideration, Hannah Weber has decided to hand in her resignation. 

On behalf of EYCE, we want to thank Hannah for her dedicated commitment throughout the years, and all the time and energy she gave, specifically as past Chairperson, Treasurer, contact with European Christian Environmental Network (ECEN), and much more. She played a fundamental role in steering the EYCE through troubling times and we are glad and thankful to go on in her work that enabled the EYCE to continue its work for young christians all over Europe. We wish her the best in her future ecumenical work and in her personal and professional endeavors.
Thank you!

Many months are ahead of the Council before the next General Meeting, months full of hopeful events, activities and challenges. The Executive Committee would like therefore to make use of its constitutional option of co-option in order to fill the vacancy and to re-establish the full workforce in the leadership of our Council for the months to come. 

As considered in the Nomination Committee and during the General Meeting in Oslo/Norway in November 2022, the ExCo has decided to fill the position of Treasurer internally with the newly elected member of the Executive Committee Harald Dahler from Norway. We therefore issue a call for nomination for the position of an Executive Committee member without portfolio, asking to put forward names and relevant details of suitable candidates that will contribute to working in the interest of EYCE as co-opted Executive Committee members. 

As the EYCE Executive Committee is a team, there are certain qualities we are prioritising when selecting the co-opted member. First of all, the EYCE Executive Committee wishes that the co-opted member is willing to get experience with EYCE structures, has a basic understanding of the working of democratic bodies and is well experienced in youth work and non-formal education. 

Beside this, working in the Executive Committee is a demanding role, with wonderful experiences, but also requires time, energy, and commitment, and the ability to work in an intercultural and ecumenical setting. The ExCo would therefore like the co-opted member to be ready to commit themselves to this work and this environment. Last but not least we would like to diversify the Executive Committee in a geographic and ecumenical perspective. Therefore we encourage especially Member Organisations that are not yet sending a person to the ExCo. (Now: Finland, Germany and Norway; 3 Lutherans, 2 Orthodox and 1 United Protestant)

We would like to ask the EYCE Members their strong support by submitting their proposals by 1 February 2023 (midnight), to:
EYCE Executive Committee; c/o Steven Edwards – EYCE Chairperson (

We ask you to send us an email enclosing a CV of the candidate, a short letter of motivation (please not more than 1 page) and contact details. For any questions we are happy to answer them. The persons nominated should check their availability to take part in the in-person meeting of the ExCo from 10th to 13th of February.

Yours in Christ,

Steven Edwards (EYCE Chairperson)

Spyridoula Fotinis (EYCE Vice-Chairperson)