Every five years the Conference of European Churches (CEC) gathers its highest decision-making body the General Assembly. Delegates from the 114 member churches, from all across Europe and through the protestant, orthodox and anglican church families through were present.
As in between the General Assemblies EYCE, CEC and the World Student Christian Federation Region Europe (WSCF-E) meet at least four times a year, we were happy to take part in the Assembly as Observer. But it wasn’t just our chairperson who took part from EYCE. People close to the EYCE took part in the Assembly as Delegates of their member churches, as stewards, partners and also as hosts.

Steven, our chairperson, who took part in the Assembly for us, had the chance to work on the strategy committee. As Observer Steven got elected as keynote listener and discussed with the other committee members the strategy for the next five years. Though the strategy might be rather short we are looking forward to fill with life the intention to strengthen youth participation within CEC.
We heard a lot of stories from former young delegates, stewards and advisors who told us that the situation was rather similar but we hope to change this in the next years. EYCE can offer great expertise in our history of youth-led and participatory decision-making.

One step could be that more young people got elected to be part of the Governing Board, the highest decision-making body in between the Assemblies. 20 people got elected and 3 of them are youth while one of the 17 is just fading out his involvement in our Italian Member Organisation (FGEI):
Maria Mountraki, Orthodox Church of Finland
Kieryn Wurts, European Baptist Federation
Very Rev. Archimandrite Iakovos Andriopoulos, Church of Greece and
Simone de Giuseppe, Christian Evangelical Baptist Union of Italy
We are looking forward to working with the young members on the Governing Board not only on the topic of Youth Engagement but also on the topics that are dear to our heart.
For more information on the Assembly, e.g. the Assembly Message, take a look at www.2023cecassembly.org.
We thank everyone who participated in the preparation and success of the Assembly and thank CEC especially for the financial support so we could participate.
One person must not be forgotten: Lea Schlenker, she served as Youth Advisor on the Governing Board for the past five years. It was a pleasure to work with her and we wish her the best for all her future plans. Thank you for your strong voice and until we meet again!