Called to freedom, justice and peace! Galatians 5:13

EYCE’s Campaign to Promote Ecological Justice officially launched

On Monday, 28th March 2011 the official launch of EYCE’s Campaign to Promote Ecological Justice took place in the Maison du Protestantisme, where EYCE’s office is located. The Campaign Coordination Team presented the concept of the Campaign and its various elements and warmly welcomed friends of EYCE and guests from EYCE’s partner organisations.

EYCE’s Campaign to Promote Ecological Justice is foreseen to last throughout the years 2011 – 2013 and aims at raising awareness for ecological issues in Europe and beyond throughout EYCE’s network, implementing practical changes and ecologically responsible solutions in the work of Council and its member organisations, as well as contribute to the work of other actors in Europe and beyond, who work in the field of ecological justice.

The campaign will explore the various aspects of ecological justice, for example the relation between ecology, economy and politics, ecology issues as basis for numerous conflicts and the increasing problems of climate refugees, as well as the theological perspectives and Christian responses to ecological injustice.

The work of the campaign will consist of various elements – training courses and seminars, publications and awareness raising materials, as well as supporting local initiatives and study visits. The first thematic event of the campaign will take place from 3rd – 10th July 2011 in Kiev, Ukraine and will focus on theological and political perspectives of ecological justice.

All interested people can join the work of the campaign through the Pool of Interested People (PoIP) and contribute with knowledge, sharing experiences, articles, photos and other. You can apply to be the part of PoIP by writing to

You can also support the campaign through its Facebook page – Campaign to Promote Ecological Justice.

EYCE and the Campaign Coordination Team are looking forward to a blessed and fruitful work throughout the next three years!

For more information on the launch of the Campaign or the work of EYCE, contact Kristine Jansone, EYCE General Secretary, on or +32 2 510 6171.
