Called to freedom, justice and peace! Galatians 5:13

Energy and Climate Change: The Churches’ role and Voice

Dear Eco-heroes,
There is a possibility to contribute with the voice of young people to the debates on climate and sustainability!
We invite you to represtent EYCE at “Energy and Climate Change: The Churches’ role and Voice. 10th Assembly of European Christian Environmental Network” from 27 September – 1 October 2014 in Balatonszárszó (Hungary)!
Are you interested to join this conference and represent there EYCE and the voices of youth?
The theme of the Assembly will be “Energy and Climate Change – the Churches’ Role and Voice.” The aim of the Assembly is to offer a space for a discussion of recent developments in climate change, in energy & ethics, and to strengthen Churches’ engagement and cooperation in responding to these concerns.
The Assembly will start on Saturday, 27 September (arrival day) in the late afternoon and end on Tuesday, 30 September. Departure day is Wednesday 1 October 2014. The board and lodging for the youth participants will be fully covered. A partial contribution towards the travel costs will be also available, the concrete amount to be discussed, depending on actual costs.
If you would like represent EYCE in this conference, please contact us at by 1st September the latest.
To help us to get to know your capacity, please tell us: Why are you interested in the field of ecology? Have you been active in this field?
Please also let us know your name, age, gender, denomination. Do you have a link to any of EYCE member organisations?
Help us to promote Eco-hero movement! :-)
call-ecen assembly2014
