Called to freedom, justice and peace! Galatians 5:13

CALL FOR INTERNATIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEE: EYCE training course “Looking for a brighter future! A training course to foster solidarity in Europe and strengthen the participation of young people.”

eyce-ship-simpleThis training course will be the first thematic event of EYCE in 2014. This year will be the first year of the new EYCE campaign on addressing poverty in its various aspects. With its main theme being the current socio-economic challenges in Europe which are affecting many vulnerable groups in society, this project will thematically contribute to the thematic focus of the first year of the campaign – to analyse the mechanisms, which are behind poverty, as well as identify the social groups, which are mostly affected by it. In the context of this particular activity, questions will be raised about poverty affecting young people and children. The current crisis puts young people in a situation, where they are one of the social groups that is mostly affected and needs to take a proactive approach in order to secure their role in decision making processes, as well as their future. However, it is not enough to discuss only the consequences of the current situation without addressing and discussing basic human rights and concepts of democracy.
We are happy to invite you to nominate a possible candidate for the International Planning Committee (IPC) for this training course: “Looking for a brighter future! A training course to foster solidarity in Europe and strengthen the participation of young people.”
The main aim of the training course will be:
to strengthen solidarity among people of all ages, promoting equal rights of different age groups, as well as at enhancing active participation of young people in tackling current socioeconomic challenges.

  • To analyse current socio-economic situation in Europe, in particular taking into consideration the situation of young people;
  • To provide participants with good factual knowledge about development of socio-economic crisis and the most vulnerable social groups affected;
  • To explore concepts of solidarity in various cultural and religious traditions;
  • To enable and empower the participants to use the creative potential of young people to increase intergenerational solidarity;
  • To empower and enable the participants to make a change in their own context;
  • To develop with the participants practical leadership skills;
  • To equip participants with concrete tools for promoting economically responsible and sustainable solutions in their own context.

In addition, the training course will seek to enhance solidarity among Europeans of all ages, assuming that solidarity is one of the main components of the wellbeing of all. Young people throughout Europe need to be empowered to contribute to overcoming the current crisis instead of being left alone in this time. Therefore, this activity is necessary to train multipliers with methods how to overcome the current situation of young people in different European countries.
The first IPC meeting is scheduled: 1st – 3rd of November, 2013, Malaga, Spain
The second IPC meeting is scheduled: Just prior to the training course, 22nd – 24th January, 2014, Malaga, Spain
The training course is scheduled: 24th of January – 2nd of February, 2014, Malaga, Spain
You can find the application form here. Please note that it needs to have the endoresement of the National Correspondent from your country! For more information please contact your National Correspondent or the EYCE office at! The absolutely latest deadline for receiving applications will be 25th September 2013 12:00 CET!
The project is supported by the Council of Europe!
Council of Europe
