Poverty is one of the biggest challenges of humanity today. The global community struggles to find a working and reasonable concept to overcome poverty and social injustice, which have been further increased by the processes of globalisation.
In 2001 the international institutions UN, IMF and the Bank for Reconstruction and Development launched the so called Millennium development goals (MDGs). The Frst and most central aim of the MDGs is to ” Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger”. Poverty is one of the key elements, because it is directly linked to many other aspects, such as education, health, ecological sustainability etc. Today, the problems are exactly as urgent as they have been 12 years ago.
EYCE recognises the work that has been done by many organisations, governments, activists and others in order to achieve this goal. However, there is still a very long way to go to its full achievement.
Despite being aware of the urgency of absolute poverty in the Developing Countries, tackling the theme of poverty would be incomplete without taking into account our nearest neighbours in need. Showing solidarity and working on eradicating relative poverty on the grassroots level in Europe is a basis for solving more complex global problems.
Through its work EYCE wants to bring more focus to the problem of poverty, especially among children and young people, in the last years before the expiration of the MDGs, as well as directly after their expiration, since we believe that it is an ongoing work to alleviate poverty.
Therefore, the EYCE Executive Committee has decided to launch a 3-year campaign to overcome poverty and to promote social justice with an aim to contribute to the eradication of poverty and the creation of a sustainable society through the active involvement of young people.
As always EYCE seeks to involve young people who are interested in contributing to the work of the campaign and have certain experience and knowledge regarding the theme.Therefore we are looking for interested individuals to form the Campaign Coordination Team (CCT), who together with a volunteer in the office, will be responsible for the planning, implementation and coordination of the campaign work. The CCT is going to be heart, mind and soul of the campaign!
This team will consist of 4 members coming from EYCE’s network, who will be supported by the volunteer in the EYCE office, as well as one member of EYCE’s Executive Committee. In addition, a Pool of Interested People will be established to support the work of the CCT and to contribute towards the campaign with their various skills, knowledge and fields of interest.
The tasks of the CCT will be:
- Working on the campaign starting from January 2013 until December 2016
- Developing the content and methodology of the campaign
- Raising awareness of the problem of poverty in Europe
- Creating visibility materials (posters, postcards etc.) and promoting the work of the campaign
- Creating an on-line Magazine (2 issues per year)
- Collecting practical tools and good practices in addressing themes of the campaign
- Involving other young people and (local) organisations all over Europe
- Disseminating outcomes of EYCE work on the themes of the campaign
- Participating in the organisation of EYCE seminars on the themes of the campaign
- Gathering ideas coming from the seminars and connecting people present in different parts of the network
- Living out the campaign
The requirements for the members of CCT are:
- Experience with themes of poverty and social injustice, as well as organisational skills
- Availability for on-line (distant) work & occasional travelling
- Creativity
- Good English language skills
- Reliability
Ideally, the members of the Campaign Coordination Team should be available for the first meeting in the EYCE office in Brussels from 13th – 15th of December, 2013!
Apply to applications@eyce.org until 30th of November 2013!
Read more about the planned campaign and the application process in these documents:
CONCEPT PAPER_Break the Chains
Break the Chains_CALL for CCT