Called to freedom, justice and peace! Galatians 5:13

CALL FOR ARTICLES 6th issue of The Leaf!


What will be the next environmental challenges we will have to face? What are the next steps we need to take in matters of environmental advocacy and sustainability, from local to global scale? Is a future of harmony between environment and humanity realistic?


Share your thoughts, opinions and visions: write an article for the 6th and last issue of the Leaf!

Send your article to

Deadline for contributions: 27th October 2013


If you are seeking inspiration, you are welcome to take a look at the previous issues of The Leaf.

 The Leaf is an on-line magazine published by EYCE in the framework of the EYCE’s Campaign to Promote Ecological Justice. The articles featuring the topic mentioned above are preferred, but not necessarily demanded. Your contribution can take a form of article, interview, debate, reflection, analytical input, film or book review, drawings etc. and should vary in between 500 to 1 500 words.

It is advised to contact the editors through in advance and consult the topic of intended article.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

The editors: Pauline Rosselin and Pawel Pustelnik
