During the 39th General Meeting, which took place in October 2013 in Brno, Czech Republic time was set aside to discuss the processes during the 14th CEC Assembly, to evaluate the past cooperation between the two organisations and decide the further steps. EYCE General Meeting was introduced to the processes that took place during the CEC Assembly, through the report of EYCE’s delegate in Budapest, Felix Beck. In addition, the relationship with CEC in the past years, as well as practical cooperation with various structures of CEC were discussed.
As was already expressed during the CEC Assembly, EYCE is disappointed by the decided change of the course in the work of CEC, especially regarding the status of associated organisations, as well as by the lack of transparency in the process, how this decision was made. It is not clear how the change of the legal status of the associated organisations addresses the main concerns the reform was supposed to resolve. Having in mind that the main challenges of the revision process were the difficult structure of the organisation and increasing the ownership by the member churches, the decision made seems logical and grounded. However, the change in the status of the associated organisations does not signify the simplification of working structures or increase the ownership, as the associated organisations did not take part in the formal decision making processes. Yet, the change, or downscale of the status, sends a message of disregard and disesteem for the expertise of the associated organisations and years of contribution to the thematic work of CEC.
Nevertheless, the EYCE General Meeting accepted the changes as a democratic decision and discussed all available options for further partnership with CEC. As an outcome of this discussion, the 39th EYCE General Meeting drafted and approved the document “Future Relationship between the Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe and the Conference of European Churches after the forced loss of membership as an outcome of CEC’s 14th Assembly”.
Following this decision made at the 39th EYCE General Meeting in Brno, EYCE Chairperson Benjamin Mlynek has sent a letter to the Governing Board and General Secretary of CEC today to inform about the decision of EYCE not to remain on the list of the organisations in partnership.
You can read both of the documents below.
Letter to CEC_08.11.2013.
Future Relationship between the Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe and the Conference of European Churches