Join the International Planning Committee for “Links of Poverty: A training course to challenge the patterns of poverty”

eyce-ship-simpleDo you want to raise your voice against poverty? Do you want to share your knowledge and experience with other young people? Do you want to gain more experience in organising projects with young people, as well as very practical workshops on local level? Then being part of an International Planning Committee of and EYCE event might be for you!
EYCE is happy to open the call for the members of International Planning Committee (IPC) for the upcoming training course “Links of Poverty: A training course to challenge the patterns of poverty”, which will take place from 13th – 20th of April 2014 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
This activity will be essential part in EYCE’s programme of 2014, as it will be the central thematic event of EYCE’s newly launched campaign “Break the Chains! EYCE Campaign to Overcome Poverty”. This event will set the course of the newly launched campaign of EYCE and will look at poverty from the perspective of global development, equal rights and equal access to social justice of all people.
The training course will aim at providing young people with knowledge about mechanisms behind poverty and equipping them with tools to challenge the patterns of poverty.
The following objectives have been set for the project:

  • to explore various theological and ethical concepts to overcoming poverty;
  • to study different mechanisms of poverty in social and political dimensions; to develop together with the participants solidarity-based approaches to tackle poverty in their own contexts;
  • to engage the local community in a concrete action with the participants that changes the local reality;
  • to provide an overview of situations in different countries and enable the exchange of experiences and good practices.

Special attention will be paid to analysing the social backgrounds of people living in poverty and linking it to certain trends in society, as well as enhancing solidarity among young people and in society in general. In addition, solidarity various levels – local, regional and global – will be highlighted. When planning this activity EYCE’s Executive Committee has analysed its links to the Millennium Development Goals and concluded that despite the urgency of absolute poverty in the Developing Countries, tackling the theme of poverty would be incomplete without taking into account our nearest neighbours in need. Showing solidarity and working on eradicating relative poverty on the grassroots level in Europe is a basis for solving more complex global problems.
The first IPC meeting is scheduled: 10th – 12th of January 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria
The second IPC meeting is scheduled: Just prior to the training course, 11th – 13th of April 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria
The training course is scheduled: 13th – 20th of April, Sofia, Bulgaria
You can find the application form here. Please note that it needs to have the endoresement of the National Correspondent from your country! For more information please contact your National Correspondent or the EYCE office at!
Please send back your filled application to no later than 15th of December 2013!
The project is supported by the Council of Europe!

Council of Europe
