It is finally time. EYCE is calling participants around Europe to apply for the Study session “Of course we can”. You can find the call and all the info including application form below. Do not hesitate to apply. It will be fun. We promise.

25-29 March 2019
Strasbourg, France
European Youth Centre
Did you know?
EYCE has focused its last events and activities on social integration, exploring identity and
human rights considering also the role of churches in these relevant topics of our modern
Human rights, acceptance and social inclusion are strongly connected to gender stereotypes which so often affect individuals’ acceptance in the society but also in churches. Churches and
society are very linked to each other influencing each others habits, ways of thinking, moral
attitudes, among others.
Women have been playing an important role both in society at large and in churches, but this role is often considered secondary despite more than 100 years of active struggle for women’s
It is essential that young people advocate for human rights for everyone. For EYCE, being an
organisation of youth working for youth, it has always been essential to enhance the
participation of young people on all levels, and empowering the young people to actively
engage into shaping the society we want to live in.
The Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe (EYCE) is now partnering with the Youth Department
of the Council of Europe in organising a Study Session focusing on the roles of women in
The aim of the Study Session is to empower youth to encourage gender-equity among various
Christian communities.
We will try to reach this aim through several objectives as listed below:
- to investigate whether churches are inclusive and welcome all diversity;
- to explore different gender stereotypes in churches;
- to provide knowledge on historical developments on women inclusion within churches;
- to develop a common standpoint and practical approaches.
- Where? European Youth Centre – 30 rue Pierre de Coubertin, Strasbourg, France.
- When? We expect you to arrive on the 24th of March and depart Strasbourg on the 30th. The
working days are 25-29 March 2019. - Who? People who are 18-30 years old,
active volunteers in youth organisations or faith
communities, and ready to discuss openly and share their religious traditions or views are
warmly invited to join the Study Session! - Conditions of Participation: The Council of Europe will cover travel, accommodation, food and other related costs. Also, VISA and travel insurance costs are taken care of. However, the participants will be required to pay a 50 EUR participation fee, which will be deducted from
the travel reimbursement. - Deadline: Interested candidates should apply in the link provided below:
For further questions or information, please send an e-mail to
The deadline for applications is23rd of February.
We are looking forward to receiving your applications! :)