Called to freedom, justice and peace! Galatians 5:13

First EYCE Alumni Meeting

Dear EYCE Alumnis,

I hope you had a great summer and your calender for autumn isn’t that full yet.
Because there is the 1st EYCE Alumni Meeting coming up from the 23rd to the 25th October and I want to invite you to join us for a great gathering in Helsinki, Finland.

There will be an official part on Saturday including a meeting with the current Executive Committee and a ecumenical evening prayer in Helsinki Cathedral followed by a reception together with the 40th General Meeting taking place at the same time. Besides that Catharina Covolo (former Chairperson) and Outi Piiroinen-Backman (former General Secretary) are preparing a nice program for you with lots of occasions to meet friends from the past and to exchange about ideas for EYCE’s future. Probably even some plans for EYCE’s 50th anniversary in 2018 can be made…

Please find the registration form here.

I would love to meet you in Helsinki.
In Christ and on behalf of the Executive Committee and the preparation team,

Benjamin Mlỳnek
EYCE Chairperson
