Category: Events and Trainings
Join the International Planning Team to tackle Youth Poverty across Europe!
Now we are looking for a 5-person International Planning team to prepare for “Being Broke isn’t Woke: Tackling Youth Poverty” in June 2025. The planning team will be responsible for creating and leading the event.
Call for Participants “The shelter we seek – A critical reflection on church as safer space”
The call for our event is out and you can apply now! Check out all the details on our event page and apply to be part of our event before 17 March 11:59 CET. We look forward to your application and to being part of the task of creating safer spaces in youth work and…
We need YOU! Be part of our International Planning Team
Next year we will hold an event with the title: The shelter we seek – a critical reflection on church as safer space. What hurtful experiences did churches cause? How do we want to deal with them? Those are questions we want to tackle. For now, we are accepting applications for five team members who…
Online Worship March 22nd
Borders are closing and worship services are being suspended all over Europe because of the developing CoVid19 situation. That doesn’t mean that we can’t connect across borders and worship together. Join us for our Web Worship this coming Sunday, at 4.30 pm on zoom. It is a non-traditional, interactive worship service that you can participate…
First EYCE Alumni Meeting
Dear EYCE Alumnis, I hope you had a great summer and your calender for autumn isn’t that full yet. Because there is the 1st EYCE Alumni Meeting coming up from the 23rd to the 25th October and I want to invite you to join us for a great gathering in Helsinki, Finland. There will be…
Young people create a vision of inclusive society
“I feel more empowered after the training course, as a result of having to play so many roles of the excluded people” says Nite Pallaska, participant in the seminar “From Vision to Reality!”. From 22nd to 29th of March 2015, 17 young people from different cultural, religious and geographic backgrounds gathered for the seminar “From…