Category: EYCE News
We need YOU! Be part of our International Planning Team
Next year we will hold an event with the title: The shelter we seek – a critical reflection on church as safer space. What hurtful experiences did churches cause? How do we want to deal with them? Those are questions we want to tackle. For now, we are accepting applications for five team members who…
45th General Meeting took place in Wrocław, Poland
in EYCE NewsThe Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe held its 45th General Meeting in Wrocław, Poland from 24th to 27th August 2023. As the General Meeting usually takes place every two years, the agenda had important matters to ensure EYCE’s operations. These included the accounts, budget for the next two years, and the election of the new…
General Assembly of the Conference of European Churches in Tallinn/Estonia (14-20 June 2023)
in EYCE NewsEvery five years the Conference of European Churches (CEC) gathers its highest decision-making body the General Assembly. Delegates from the 114 member churches, from all across Europe and through the protestant, orthodox and anglican church families through were present. As in between the General Assemblies EYCE, CEC and the World Student Christian Federation Region Europe…
45th General Meeting in Wroclaw, Poland
in EYCE NewsThe next General Meeting of EYCE will take place from 24 to 27 August 2023 in Wroclaw, Poland. The General Meeting is the highest decision-making body of our organisation, where delegates of our Member Organisations meet to discuss and decide about EYCE’s future priorities. Thanks to the Polish Ecumenical Council’s Youth Commission we will be hosted in Poland.
Newsletter #18 has been published
in EYCE NewsIf you want to know about our latest news and to see what 2023 has in store then take a look at our recent newsletter.
Young Christians reflect on the occasion of European Year of Youth
in EYCE NewsThe European Commission declared 2022 as European Year of Youth. On this occasion, the Conference of European Churches (CEC) together with the Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe (EYCE) and the World Student Christian Federation, Europe region (WSCF-Europe) have collected young voices about Christian life in Europe and about the importance and needs of ecumenical organisations.…