Called to freedom, justice and peace! Galatians 5:13

CALL FOR INTERNATIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEE “Gender: Revised!?” – a study session in cooperation with WSCF-E

Gender identity is only one aspect of identity, however it is the most easily stereotyped, put in the box, overlooked and very often the cause of severe violence, discrimination and jeopardisation of Human Rights on a daily basis. In many societies around the world gender equality, especially the role of women and violence against women is an issue, which calls for urgent action. Also in Europe, less visible, yet strongly present gender inequality needs further addressing.
The study session was thematically inspired by a publication by World Communion of Reformed Churches and World Council of Churches “Created in God’s Image: From Hegemony to Partnership – a set of guidelines for discussion, theological reflection and bible study”, which emphasizes the need to develop a sense of positive masculinity in order for us “as a community of women and men together, we can deconstruct misconceptions about being men that seem to uphold violence and domination as “masculine” traits, and we can work towards re- socialization for just peace.”

Further thematic discussions within EYCE and WSCF-E led to a conclusion that it is important to speak about more than positive masculinity, to do more than gender mainstreaming. We want to address gender not only in terms of human beings’ physically embodiment of genders, but of gender identities going beyond the physical body and strongly shaping one’s identity positively. It is important to develop the concept of gender plurality, which would reflect the many-folded nature of each gender identity and reveal its potential. Looking past the historical and cultural pre-set gender roles, we want to inspire and promote holistic gender partnerships. The potential of plurality would be used instead of mainstreaming a certain gender, thus allowing full, respectful and mutually complementing partnerships to develop in society and in particular in our networks, as well as in the church institutions.

Through this study session we want to address with the participants the diversity of gender situations, as well as build solidarity and understanding on all levels – personal, local and global. We believe that young people have the potential to promote and further develop concepts of gender plurality and gender partnerships. Furthermore, it will be discussed, what we can do as a group and as a community of young Europeans to raise awareness of the global perspective of the gender issues. Our goal is to inspire and educate our participants so they will have new skills and knowledge and be able to facilitate workshops and share in their local communities, building a future society, where all genders are contributing equality, enjoying the same rights and all becoming an integral part of an inclusive society.

We are happy to invite you to nominate a possible candidate for the International Planning Committee (IPC) for the study session, which will be held in cooperation with World Student Christian Federation Europe Region (WSCF-E): “Gender: Revised!?”

The main aim of this study session will be: to enhance the recognition and positive use of gender plurality among young people in order to further promote an inclusive view to all gender identities and to build gender partnerships in society and churches.


  • to explore and to be open to the unique human quality of gender by seeing all gender identities as positive; to understand the connection between one’s gender identity and human rights;
  • to explore the theological concept of the human being created as image of God in order to look beyond gender stereotypes;
  • to study the historical concepts of gender roles and to analyse social and cultural frameworks of gender perception;
  • to provide good examples of gender partnerships;
  • to provide tools and resources in order to promote the positive use of gender plurality;
  • to empower young people to speak and address the issues of gender plurality in churches and society;
  • to provide safe space for gender plurality outside the “norm” among participants.

The first IPC meeting is scheduled: 25th – 27th July, Budapest, Hungary
The second IPC meeting is scheduled: Just prior to the study session, 9th – 11th November, Budapest, Hungary
The study session is scheduled: 11th – 18th November, Budapest, Hungary

For more information please contact your National Correspondent or the EYCE office at! The absolutely latest deadline for receiving applications will be 30th June 2012 12:00 CET!
