Category: Campaign to Promote Ecological Justice
CALL FOR ARTICLES 6th issue of The Leaf!
What will be the next environmental challenges we will have to face? What are the next steps we need to take in matters of environmental advocacy and sustainability, from local to global scale? Is a future of harmony between environment and humanity realistic? Share your thoughts, opinions and visions: write an article for the…
BE ECO HEROES! Campaign Coordination Team offers training on ecological justice!
EYCE’s Campaign to Promote Ecological Justice is in its third year and we are looking towards contributing to sustainable societies and making EYCE more sustainable. Knowing your involvement in youth work and ecumenism we want to propose a programme to be provided to your organisation. In the framework of the campaign we, as a team…
EYCE Press Release: EYCE Launches Be Eco Heroes! Project
In February 2013 EYCE published “A Manual for EYCE Member Organisations to Become More Sustainable” which is considered as a first step of the project Be Eco Heroes! By this venture, EYCE calls for its member organisations to self-evaluate its impacts on the environment, set achievable goals and bring about positive changes in their actions.…
Is there a hope after Rio+20?
The panel discussion „What hope after Rio+20? Contribution of various stakeholders to a sustainable future” took place on the 17th of October 2012 at Maison du Protestantisme in Brussels and was organised in the framework of EYCE Campaign to Promote Ecological Justice, which aims at promoting ecological justice and sustainable ways of life. The aim…
EYCE links the Campaign to Promote Ecological Justice with global actions
An EYCE representative participated on a meeting of World Council of Churches (WCC) Working Group on Climate Change which came together to plan and synergize next steps in climate change advocacy. The meeting hosted by the Institute of Theology and Ecology of the Orthodox Academy of Crete in Kolympari, Greece took place from 1st to…
The third issue of the Leaf is out!
The third issue of The Leaf, magazine of EYCE’s Campaign to Promote Ecological Justice is out! In the magazine you will find articles about the activities of the campaign, interesting projects implemented on local level, about ecology and its social implications (relations between ecology and poverty reduction, ecology and economic growth/development etc). This list is…